
Tournament of Towers: Draft Pieces & Build Grand Towers

Created by Iron Hippo Games (Tournament of Towers)

Become the greatest architect in Geometria (1-4 players, ~30 min) by winning the Tournament of Towers! Perfect for adults or families.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We Need Your Physical Addresses So We Can Send You The Game!
almost 6 years ago – Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 10:00:57 PM

70% of you are good to go. For the other 30%...

If you haven’t answered your survey yet that was sent in the last week, we don't have your physical address and can't send you the game. 

The last day to make final updates to your order is July 2nd. 

You can update your shipping address up until we lock addresses for shipping.  

If you fill out your BackerKit survey after the July 2nd due date, we’ll still receive your information but your shipment may be delayed.   

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at 


Thanks again for being so responsive to answering our BackerKit survey—even though it may not seem like much as an individual backer, you have no idea how tremendously helpful this has been for me when trying to keep track of all 350 of you!

Donovan & Jeff

Shipping in July!
almost 6 years ago – Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 12:20:12 AM

(This message was sent as a survey in Backerkit with a few small adds to this version, we want to get the word out that you need to lock-in your shipping details!) PLUS EXTRA PHOTOS!


 Okay, for those that hate reading, we need you to confirm your current shipping address and we expect a mid-to-late July delivery for most backers. 

Deadline is July 2nd to update your address info

 For the rest, a larger update. 

 We are in the home stretch of the highly anticipated, future-classic board game known as Tournament of Towers. Thanks again for all your support that helped us reach this momentous milestone. We dug deep to give you the best game we could, and you were supportive and patient throughout the extra steps it took to give you our finest work. 

 The final version of Tournament of Towers is being produced with the major value-add of plastic injection molded pieces (something that was not anticipated as a stretch goal unless we hit more than $350,000 in our Kickstarter!) because we didn't feel right giving you anything less than a game that would reward your desire to play it over and over again with a much higher tolerance for wear and tear. 

 You still have time to encourage friends and family latecomers to pick up the Kickstarter edition with the one and only K-bam piece!  Just send them over to pre-order on .

 After we close our Backerkit survey, (approximately July 2nd) the KS edition surplus will only be sold offline. Amazon will be handling the shipping of your copy if you are in the U.S. and we have selected a specialty agency to fulfill overseas shipments in a timely manner. Amazon is also expected to be our primary source where you can purchase the standard edition of Tournament of Towers in the weeks and months after Backers receive their limited edition copies. 

Please don't forget to double check your current shipping address we have on file for you and update as needed! We don't want you to miss your game! 

 Be excellent to each other and game on! 

 Donovan & Jeff

Tournament of Towers - Year One Update
almost 6 years ago – Wed, May 16, 2018 at 01:19:43 AM

The Kickstarter Campaign started one year ago today...

And thanks to all of you beautiful people, Tournament of Towers as a real and actual game is very much a reality! To celebrate this momentous occasion, we few here at Iron Hippo Games have decided to post a MEGA update. Behold! Pictures and Words (so many words) and even a Video for your viewing pleasure!

Ultimate Tower Challenge Completed!

Behold! A new world wonder in all its glory!  All 61 pieces on a single foundation piece with the player miniature at the very top.

Pretty cool, right?

Now enjoy and watch in horror the following slow motion video. After successfully completing the Ultimate Tower Challenge for only the second time in his life, Jeff decided to dismantle his masterpiece in the cruelest of ways.

Jeff is a complete monster. Clearly. We are aware of his nefariousness...

Recent Factory Pics

Below you will find snapshots of one our injection molds and the test pieces prior to making the final prototype that we just finished putting through rigorous play-testing (as seen above).

 One side of an injection mold! So cool...

Test pieces including the signature Kickstarter K-Bam piece...

 These test pieces look great, doncha think?

Another angle for your viewing pleasure...

HiPS Prototype Arrival Pics

Last week, we finally got our hands on the actual prototype itself and it was a beauty! The copy was sent to us (intentionally) under very hazardous shipping conditions to put the pieces through the test. Lo and behold, all the pieces arrived unscathed with the exception of a Boxy Frame. Alas, one of them shattered into 4 pieces in transit, though this was expected to happen. Our manufacturing team was already busy at work updating the model to ensure the corners of the pieces could better withstand the rigors of playing and transit mishaps. The final piece will stand the test of time like the rest of the game!

Behold: pictures of the HiPS prototype set upon arrival:

Game Box, Score Pad, Rulebook, 61 Cards, 65 Pieces, 4 Architect Miniatures, 6-sided die, the whole kit and caboodle!

Updated pieces and their respective cards. The Spriggit still springs a bit too! Yay!

Score Pad closer look...

The Architect Miniatures turned out GREAT. Check 'em out.

Now that all the final kinks have been worked out in relation to durability, we are able to finally move on to production. Too exciting!  It will take our manufacturing friends over at WinGo Games around 40 days to complete making all the production-ready copies of the game. This puts the estimated arrival date for you, our awesome Backers, at sometime in early July 2018. It's been quite a journey getting to this point and we're excited to finally get this game in your hands very soon. Thanks again so much for your patience and support.  ^__^

We will of course keep you updated and post additional pictures during the production process.

Hoping to get more copies of ToT?

In case you want to order any additional copies of Tournament of Towers above and beyond your initial Kickstarter pledge, make sure to check out our BackerKit page and place an order here:

Here's hoping things are peachy keen with all of you! Ciao for now.

~Jeff & Donovan~

Iron Hippo Games

Injection Molded Pieces - First Look
about 6 years ago – Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 01:20:22 AM

Backer Brethren, hello to you all from the busy forges of Geometria!

While we the Iron Hippos have been busy at work getting some final card and scorepad artwork done, our friends at WinGo Games have been diligently constructing and testing the steel molds needed for making our final plastic injection molded pieces ready for production.
Here is a first look at what the initial test pieces look like!

The final pieces are going to be made of a type of plastic called HiPS (High Impact Polystyrene). Sounds perfect for a game that involves stuff potentially falling in spectacular fashion, am I right!?  

This kind of plastic material is commonly used in a lot of products. We've received the initial sample for the 1st mold and they are already hastily at work making some minor modifications to further improve the pieces. As of now, we are still on track to get you your copies of the game by the end of June. Here's hoping March has been good to you all. We'll be in touch again soon!
~Jeff & Donovan~ Iron Hippo Games

Plastic Injection Molded Pieces!
over 6 years ago – Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 05:28:53 PM

Hey there Backers!  

For the past week or so we've been rigorously testing our 2nd prototype and have concluded that we don't feel comfortable delivering a product to all of you that doesn't live up to the durability standards that our 3D printed prototype pieces achieved.

As a result, we and have been working hard with our manufacturing team to come up with a solution that will work best and guarantee the highest quality and durability for Tournament of Towers. We have decided to invest more of our own time and money into having a 3rd prototype of the game made with plastic injection molded pieces through the use of steel molds that will fit all of our pieces! Huzzah!

As part of this effort, we've taken a hard look at the calendar to figure out the most likely date when you can expect to get your copy of the game based on this. We had originally hoped for a March/April delivery time, but realistically, when taking into account the additional upfront work for the molds, we're looking at a delivery date towards the end of June for most folks. In the coming weeks, we'll post pictures for you of the molds and the pieces once we can get our hands on them. 

Thanks again for your patience and continued support. We're excited to bring you the game as soon as possible!

~Jeff & Donovan~

Iron Hippo Games